Things You Should Test for in Your House

Safety is crucial in our living environments. It’s where we eat, sleep, and spend most of our time. Unfortunately, many homeowners may not realize the hidden dangers lurking around that can put their and their loved one’s health at risk. These dangers, such as radon and lead, are things you should test for in your house. Failure to do so could lead to various health issues and unwanted expenses. Read on to learn about these hazards and how to test for them.


Radon demands your active attention. This colorless, odorless, radioactive gas naturally occurs in soil and rocks, and it can enter your home through foundation cracks, gaps in walls, and other openings. Lung cancer is one effect of long-term exposure to high levels of radon. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States after smoking, according to the CDC. To protect yourself and your family, perform a radon test using an easy-to-use at-home testing kit, which is available at most hardware stores. Just be aware of the things to avoid during a radon test for the most accurate results.


Asbestos is another potentially deadly substance that might be present in your house. Homes built before 1980 are likely to contain asbestos in various materials, such as insulation, shingles, and floor tiles. When disturbed and inhaled, asbestos fibers can cause diseases like lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. If you suspect a presence of asbestos, call a professional for testing and removal, as attempting to do this on your own is extremely risky.


Lead is also a significant hazard that you should check in older homes. Paints used in homes built before 1978 often contain lead, which is harmful to both children and adults. Exposure to high levels of lead can result in developmental disorders, learning disabilities, and other health problems. Therefore, it’s a good practice to test any chipping or peeling paint for lead; you can purchase a lead paint testing kit at a local hardware store. And if your house has lead plumbing, have your tap water tested for contamination as well.

Water and Air Quality

Water quality and air quality are equally essential aspects to consider. Contaminated water can lead to gastrointestinal problems and the spread of diseases if left unchecked. Test your tap water for harmful pollutants, such as bacteria, nitrates, and lead, by contacting your local health department or investing in a home testing kit.

Meanwhile, poor indoor air quality can cause respiratory and allergy issues. Regularly change your HVAC filters, invest in proper air purifiers, and monitor the air quality inside your home with indoor air quality monitors.

Being aware of the various things you should test for in your house is crucial to ensuring a safe and healthy living environment. Perform regular checks for radon, asbestos, lead, water quality, and air quality, and be proactive about addressing any dangerous results that your testing reveals. By doing so, you can better protect yourself and your family from potential health risks.

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